The Otis Feed
Stressing Meowt!
Hi furriends! Sorry if it looks like I’m flipping the bird, but I am starting to feel seasonal stress sneaking up on me and I think talking it out might help?
Furrist and foremost—I know I go through this evfurry year, but I still don’t have a Halloween costume picked out. The time crunch is really stressing meowt, so I think I’ll just dress as a cat. I feel confident I can pull it off. I already have the whiskers, pointy ears, long tail, and the bod of a cat.
The purresidential election has me furreaking out a little, too. I wish both candidates the best of luck, but ultimately just want world peace and an unlimited supply of pawty-mix treats. Surely it can’t be that hard to all get along. After all, aren’t we all adults and cat lovers? Purrhaps next purresidential election I’ll run for POTIS to convince the Ameowican people of these uber important matters.
Guys, Mom’s purrithday is also fast appurroaching. What do you gift a purrson who already has evfurrying. She’s mentioned a few times something about wireless headphones? I don’t think I can swing that—besides that sounds more like something that Santa Paws would bring? Maybe I’ll just snuggle with her…you know, as a reminder of the BEST purrithday purresent she received fifteen years ago: ME!
Speaking of Santa Paws. When do our wish lists need to be submitted by this year? I was just checking the cat-lendar and I’m not kitten when I say there are only three weeks between Turkey Day and Christmas. That doesn’t leave much time fur Santa Paws and his elves to get evfurryone’s purresents together. I think my stress level just increased.
Getting a pulse check on evfurryone else. Anyone else feeling supurr stressed?