Everyone could use personal financial advice throughout their lives - whether it be choosing the best IRA, saving for your kids' college, investing locally or globally, or even how to invest properly for your retirement. We're proud to have partnered with My Perfect Financial Advisor for all of this great financial advice that you find on this page, and hope that you find it helpful, too. To learn more, you can visit myperfectfinancialadvisor.com.

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  • Why Investor-First Is Best for Lead Generation
    by Nicholas Stuller on July 24, 2024

    Several days ago, my company unveiled its new brand, BenFi from our original name MyPerfectFinancialAdvisor. Our rebrand was a long time coming and we are thrilled with the positive results seen in just the first few days. The rebranding included a […]

  • The Toughest Investor Lesson: Time in the Market
    by Editors at BenFi on May 30, 2024

    Why is it so Hard for Investors to Believe Time in the Market, Not Market Timing, is Better? Investing in the stock market is often seen as a blend of art and science, where strategies and philosophies abound. Among these, one of the most debated topics […]

  • The Importance of a Living Will
    by Editors at BenFi on May 29, 2024

    In an unpredictable world, it’s crucial to have a plan in place for unexpected situations, especially those that concern our health and well-being. One vital aspect of this planning is the creation of a living will. A living will, also known as an […]

  • The Rise and Fall of Robo-Advisors: Why Human Advice Prevails
    by Editors at BenFi on April 30, 2024

    In recent years, robo-advisors have been heralded as the future of investment management. These automated platforms promised low fees, algorithm-driven portfolio management, and accessibility to the masses. Yet, despite their initial hype, we are […]

  • Why Advisors Should Recommend SCORE to their Small Business Clients
    by Editors at BenFi on April 27, 2024

    Nearly all Financial Advisors have at least one small business client, in some cases several. For most of these advisors, they remain silent on how to help their client improve their business. However, there is a service that is free to all that can be a […]

  • Should the Rich Make Their Kids Work?
    by Editors at BenFi on April 8, 2023

    Friday, March 31, 2023 By MyPerfectFinancialAdvisor There is no doubt that growing up in a wealthy household has its perks. With ample resources at their disposal, children of affluent families are often given every opportunity to succeed in life. […]

  • SBF Arrested: New Name, Same Old Lessons
    by Editors at BenFi on December 14, 2022

    By MyPerfectFinancialAdvisor This week Sam Brinkman-Fried (SBF) was arrested by Bahamian authorities, and is awaiting extradition to the U.S. at the request of the United States government based on the accusations of fraud following the collapse and […]

  • Vital Considerations for Perpetual Trusts
    by Nicholas Stuller on August 25, 2022

    By MyPerfectFinancialAdvisor For families that have achieved wealth levels sufficient to want to leave a financial legacy for generations, a Perpetual Trust, also known as a Dynasty Trust, can be an incredibly beneficial planning tool. However, there are […]

  • Research Tools Every Investor Should Use
    by Nicholas Stuller on August 4, 2022

    By MyPerfectFinancialAdvisor Very often investors will hear their advisor suggest investments or strategies and despite not understanding what the advisor is proposing, will nod and smile for fear of appearing ignorant. While this is a natural human […]

  • What Should You Do When Your Advisor Changes Firms?
    by Nicholas Stuller on July 21, 2022

    By MyPerfectFinancialAdvisor People change jobs and employers many times during their career. Reports show this can be as many as 12 times in a career lifetime, meaning every four years or so most people are working at a different firm. Financial advisors […]