The Otis Feed
Swim Lessons
Hi furriends. Hope you’re staying cool! Furrom what I hear it’s been supurr hot out there. TGFBAIK! (That stands fur, “thank goodness fur being an indoor kitty!”) Mom has kept the house at a comfurrtable 73 degrees around the clock with the help of the A/C’s and keeping the shades drawn. She’s also been brushing me on a more regular basis. There are some perks to having long hair, but summer heat is not one of them.
On another note, outside, the pool is taking shape. I know last month I told you I wouldn’t be purrtaking in any pool festivities, but after seeing the excitement build on my family’s faces of how much fun they will be having, I think I’ve had a change of heart. Mom has even gone so far as to purrchase a new outdoor dining set. It seats four, so plenty of space fur me to chow on my turkey and pawty-mix. Ellie is gearing up with all kinds of cool floats, pool noodles, and bathing suits. Ellie is determined to learn how to swim, which makes piques my interest too. She’s been going on and on about the doggy paddle and the butterfly stroke. No mention of a cat swim stroke, but I shall make one up and call it the pity-paw propel. You simply put your pity-paws out and hope fur the best.
Now, if you’ll excuse me I must take advantage of the Amazon Purrime deals. Purrhaps I can find some flippers and a life jacket in my size. Oh, and I can also make a birthday wish list. T-minus twenty-nine days. (But who’s counting?). Any idea how old I’ll be turning? I’ll give you a hint. It starts with a fif and ends with a teen.