In just a few short weeks, the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic throughout much of the tri-state region has forced many small businesses to change the way they operate and adapt to an uncertain economic present. Those who have not been deemed ‘non-essential’ and have not been mandated to temporarily close their doors have had to shift their mode of exchanging goods with customer bases. Grocery stores are dedicating their opening hours to the elderly and more vulnerable individuals to safely shop for home essentials, restaurants and liquor stores are now offering curbside takeout and delivery for the first time to limit physical interactions, and businesses whose employees have been mandated to work from home have changed their course of action altogether- often in ways that lift the human spirit. In Lakeville, CT one family-owned, homegrown business is making compassion and critical aid its new focus during this unprecedented crisis.
After they graduated college, sisters Courtney Saulnier and Ashley Marchand purchased an existing custom sewing business in a decommissioned factory and founded Lakeville Interiors. Over the next decade, they saw their small business grow to encompass all aspects of the interior design process, from concept, to installation and maintenance. Today, Lakeville Interiors serves designers, clients, and the public in Western Massachusetts, Connecticut, the Hudson Valley, and New York City. Since the novel coronavirus has spread from New York City up the Hudson River Valley and throughout northwestern Connecticut and Western Massachusetts, the sisters have felt compelled to action using their manufacturing equipment and skills as their primary weapon against the spread of COVID-19. “My sister and I have focused our efforts over the past few weeks on mask making” says Ashley Marchand, co-owner of Lakeville Interiors, “The people reaching out to us for them is heartbreaking.” The growing need for personal protection equipment across the region combined with the pair’s sewing skills has blossomed into a new, entirely donated product line for the local business, one modeled upon the urge to help others in their time of need. With the help of their young children, Ashley and Courtney have begun sewing pleated masks at a rapid pace for folks throughout the area creating something of a social media sensation. In an earnest mixture of community service and distance learning, one social media post from the family team at Lakeville Interiors reads, “today these mother and son teams are integrating #STEAM topics such as industrial design with social studies and health education.”
Despite current circumstances, the sister duo at Lakeville Interiors hopes to endure the current economic lock down with help from the surrounding community.The pair are currently encouraging customers to use Lakeville Interiors’ ‘Distance Design Services’ and buy gift certificates for full service in-home design once it’s safe to return to business as usual. The nature of their small brick and mortar business has predictably seen income cut significantly as a result of the national crisis, but with a big-hearted spirit of giving and community organization like this, businesses like theirs across the area are working hard to stay afloat while doing all they can to serve those most at risk.
Interested in helping support the efforts of Lakeville Interiors?
Send a message or email and the folks at Lakeville Interiors will find a safe, social-distanced way for you to chip in.
For more information on Lakeville Interiors, to buy a gift certificate, or to take advantage of their Distance Design Services visit