The Otis Feed

Congratulations On 60 Years!
It’s been 60 years (that’s ten human years) and a lot has happened both purrsonally and purrofessionally. Dad has built several houses furrom the ground up (that’s a lot of nails, Nailed It!), we moved into our furrever home, I became a big brother, had some dental work done (thank you again turkey God’s fur the teef I have left), enjoyed countless catnaps, and lived through a pandemic – just to name a few. Purrhaps one of the most monumental moments during these last ten was witnessing the birth of Main Street Magazine.
Fur those of you who might not remempurr, Mom purrompley left her banking job in January 2013 after Aunt Thorunn invited her to embark on a magazine adventure with her. (A magazine adventure. Sounds like a title to a Disney movie). Without any hesitation, Mom agreed and as they say, the rest is history. Furrom its debut issue in March 2013, the evolution of Main Street has been nothing short of ameowzing. Starting out at 32 pages to the most recent issue of 72 pages, evfurry month there is something new and exciting to read and countless advertisers grace the pages. What do I love most about Main Street Magazine, you ask? I love that there are several themed issues throughout the year. It’s purrobably a given, but the animal themed issue is my purrsonal favfurrite. Not to brag or anything, but Mom came up with the brilliant idea of featuring pets instead of humans in furriendly face section. Of course I made the cut in the March 2016 issue as one of those furriendly faces. Since then I’ve been trying to secure the covfurr. With no luck thus far, I am hopeful 2024 will be the year.
Lets give these ladies a round of apaws fur all their pawsome work! I can’t wait to see what the next 60 years will bring! (Paw slapper!)