The Otis Feed
Emotional Support Animal
This last month has not been easy fur Mom in purrticular. Her paternal grandfather passed away recently, and although Mom is purretty good when it comes to hiding her emotions, I’ve seen her breakdown more than I’d like to admit lately. Although this is completely understandable, I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. So I shed my tough guy purrsona and became the emotional support animal Mom needed in times of such sorrow. Fur some reason, I always assumed emotional support animals were fur dogs only, but because we are strictly a feline only household, I really had to step up to the plate.
Nothing anyone can evfurr say will take away Mom’s pain as she’s grieving today and the days ahead, but I am here to lend a paw when Mom needs it the most. My gentle headbutts signal her to remember the many fond memories she made with her grandfather. Like the time she and Dad announced in late 2009 they were great grandpurrents fur the furrst time to a six week old kitten. Mom told me my baby picture was hung in the kitchen fur everyone to see. My soft purrs help comfurrted her through the tears. I know this is a big change in her life. In her mind, she knows he’s finally at peace, but her heart will always yearn to have him one last conversation with him, give him one more hug, or say “I love you” one more time.
Being an emotional support animal is harder than it seems but to help put a smile on Mom’s face, I’ll do anything!