Congregational Church of Salisbury Will Host Round Table on Global Day for Climate Justice
On Saturday, November 6th at 10 am, in support of the Global Day for Climate Justice, the Green Team of the Congregational Church of Salisbury, UCC will sponsor a round-table discussion about moving toward “net-zero” energy consumption. The Green Team has embarked on a project to ensure that the church building’s use of electricity equals the amount of electricity produced in a given year by installing solar panels, installing LED lighting and sensors, and converting oil furnaces to electric heats pumps, among other measures.
Two industry experts will be on-hand to discuss solar arrays, lighting, and electric heat pumps and there will be a brief overview of the church’s project. All contractors, homeowners or other interested persons are invited to attend. At the end of the round-table, participants will be able to answer questions and request other topics be covered in future sessions.
Join the round table via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88487945944?pwd=YnFSNWxHdTl1U3BRTGs1NklKbFQ2QT09. The meeting ID is: 884 8794 5944 and the passcode is: 136032. For questions, please contact the church office at (860) 435-2442.
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