Healthy Brains and Memory Screenings
Make your brain a priority on January 23 by attending Noble Horizons’ Healthy Brain and Memory Screening program at 11 am. Jennifer LaBrie from Hartford Healthcare’s Center for Healthy Aging will discuss ways to keep your brain healthy, techniques for maintaining a sharp memory, and the difference between normal age-related memory changes and those that may warrant a deeper look. Jennifer’s presentation includes engaging, interactive activities and take home materials. Following her program, LaBrie will offer free, confidential memory screenings which are scheduled by appointment. The screenings do not diagnose illness, but can indicate whether a follow up medical exam is recommended.
LaBrie, a Human Services-Board Certified Practitioner, was the Helpline Director/Northwest Regional Director with the Alzheimer’s Association, Connecticut Chapter for more than 10 years and prior to that the program director of a memory-care neighborhood in an assisted living community. She is currently the Resource Coordinator for Hartford Healthcare’s Center for Healthy Aging at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital. Registration for Jennifer’s program is below:
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