Jazz Month!, a festival of visual art, films, and performances
The Claverack Free Library is delighted to announce Jazz Month!, a festival of visual art, films, and performances
The Jazz I Saw, photographs of eminent jazz musicians from the collection of Jeff Monkash, MD, opens to the public in the Marilyn & Bob Laurie Foundation Gallery on Saturday March 26 from 10 AM to 2 PM and remains through May 7th. To enrich the visual experience, visitors can scan QR codes accompanying the photographs to view brief performance videos.
Other events are a cabaret performance by Bard College Jazz Vocal Workshop on Sunday April 10 at 3 PM and a concert by the Armen Donelian Trio on Sunday April 24 at 4 PM. Ticket prices for the concerts are “pay what you wish” with a suggested donation of $10; reserve tickets by emailing info@claveracklibrary.org or by calling 518.851.7120.
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