Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia
On Monday March 9 at noon the Claverack Library will host the first of three programs about Alzheimer’s Disease, Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia, presented by the Alzheimer’s Association. This introductory session will explain that Alzheimer’s Disease is not normal aging, that it is a disease of the brain that causes problems with memory, thought, and behavior. The differences among various types of dementia will be explained, along with the latest news about risk factors, research, available resources, and treatment.
Later programs will take place Monday, April 13, Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors, and on Monday, May 11 Dementia Conversations: a workshop on how to manage difficult conversations with family members about driving, doctor visits, and financial planning.
All workshops are free and partially supported by the NY State Department of Health. The Claverack Library is located at 9 Route 9H, with parking around the corner at 629 Route 23B. For further information, see www.claveracklibrary.org.
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