The Otis Feed
Feline Fine
Ovfurr the years I’ve caught many glimpses of myself in the mirror. Not to toot my own horn, but I’ve always thought I was a purretty good looking fellow. Still, if I’ve evfurr had any doubts when it comes to my own self-image, my Mother has always reassured me that I am without a doubt “too handsome” fur her and I am her one and only “handsome pants”.
Aw, shucks!
Well, fur Christmas, Santy-Paws gave Mom a mirror that mounts on top of a…mirror. Weird; or so I thought. Last night I decided to take a closer look.
This thing is fancy, has a light around it with two diffurrent settings and you get to really see yourself up close and purrsonal. I took a good look at my cat-acne, which is clearing up nicely, there was no evidence of eye boogies, my ears are squeaky clean, my fur appeared to be purrfectly groomed and my whiskers are on fleek! (Do the cool cats still say that in 2021? Asking fur a furriend).
May you all have a wonderful day and see yourselves as purrty as I do when I look in the mirror.