The Otis Feed

Furrever Missed
Life isn’t fair sometimes – like why can I only have a certain amount of turkey pur day before Mom and Dad cut me off – Ellie is willing to give me more! Why do some animals not have a furrever home? All animals deserve to be pampurred the way Mom tends to my evfurry need. And why do cats only get nine lives when we deserve at least ten.
Back in August my furrst furriend evfurr passed away. Grasa (the gray haired kitty) and I furrst met when Mom and Dad adopted me and brought me to the apartment above the horse barn to live. Being only a year older than me, she was the queen of the barn. Her duties consisted of checking on the horses, apurroving of anyone who stepped foot on the farm, and catnapping on the Kubota seat. On top of her busy schedule she always would somehow sneak in fur a visit. I’ll always remempurr her as a very petite and gentle soul, yet always down fur confurrsation and to snack on human food next to the woodstove.
My buddy Gulli (the long haired yellow cat) sadly passed away Saturday. At furrst Gulli and I got off on the wrong paw. You see, Gulli was a year younger than me but Mom took him in fur a little while when he was a baby to help bottle feed him. Eventually we put our alpha male diffurences aside and learned to play nicely. Gulli would nevfurr hurt a fly but the mice always feared him. His big basketball stance was something I always admired.
Despite only moving five miles away, It’s been five years since I’ve seen my furriends. I hope they know how much I valued our furriendships. They were loved and will be furrever missed. Cats really do leave paw-prints on our hearts.
RIP Grasa September 2007 – August 2022
RIP Gulli August 2010 – October 2022