The Otis Feed

Getting Cozy
Hi furriends, and happy Novempurr to you all! I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween. I got lots of treats and luckily didn’t have to work fur them all. Thanks fur helping a brother out, Ellie!
Mom and Dad finally caved and decided to turn the heat on. Hallelujah! Now my toe beans aren’t furreezing evfurry time I walk across the floor and there isn’t a shortage of blankies to snuggle with now that evfurryone is more comfurrtable.
I also have more wonderful news to report. Turkey day at my house is officially cancelled. Can you hear the excitement in my voice? Dad’s side of the family will be having visitors furrom out of town, which means mom doesn’t have to worry about preparing a bird to feed so many people, a turkey that size would nevfurr fit in the microwave (remember, Mom is a terrible cook!). So Amma will be hosting at her house, purr usual. Thank you sweet baby turkey Gods!
We will be decorating fur Christmas in exactly three weeks and three days furrom today. But whose counting?! I can’t wait to jump in all the decoration boxes, only to be covfurred in glitter. Taking a little nibble at the tree, just to make sure its artificial. Bat the shatter-purroff ornaments evfurr so softly with my pitty-paws. Chase after the miles of ribbon Mom uses when wrapping gifts. Making sure all the stockings are hung with care, especially mine. And my favfurrite, laying on the tree skirt, just absorbing the radiant heat from the floor all while the white Christmas Tree lights light up the room in a magical way, just waiting fur Santy-Paws to arrive with gifts fur yours truly.
It really is the most wonderful time of the year!