The Otis Feed

Getting Creative with Family Time
It’s been supurr nice out lately. That means the windows have been wide open and window-sitting season is officially in full swing!
It’s a bittersweet feeling fur me. Don’t get me wrong – with everyone outside enjoying the weather, I have a bit more time to myself while not having to catnap with one eye open wondering what toy Ellie will try to show me next, Mom swooping in with another forehead kiss, or Dad asking me to move furrom his favurrite spot on couch after I just laid down. But after being home alone all day, I want to see my family.
As always – Mom to the rescue! She pipes up with her cat Mom voice, “Otis Joe!! Come here handsome pants!”, inviting me to sit in the window closest to all the outdoor fun.
When I finally found my perch, I was treated to Dad painting the back deck while Mom made sure Ellie was properly distracted – ya know, to make sure her paws didn’t get in the wet paint. Through all this newfound quality family time, I’ve learned that Ellie is passionate about collecting “special rocks” and washing them. Mom even taught her how to use the garden hose and I’ve witnessed Ellie’s sneak spraying attacks on Mom. I fur one think it’s pretty funny but Mom just screams like a girl! Ellie remempurr, I only like sponge baths so please don’t aim that hose at me.
Ellie also likes to color on the sidewalk leading up the house. Purrhaps she can draw a picture of yours truly?
Until then, onto the next window.