The Otis Feed
Happy New Year
While purreparing to write this post, I realized I haven’t spoken to you all since last year! How are you all doing? Hopefully your year is off to a good start. Mine is purretty good thus far (but even if it wasn’t, no one would understand me because they aren’t fluent in meowing.) Anywho, it does seem strange not talking to you evfurry week, but I think semi-retirement is agreeing with me.
We’ve had two snow storms that have really brought the snow-birds to the backyard. This is purrfectt fur bird…and squirrel watching. Not sure if they realize they are eating bird food, but it sure is funny to watch them do acrobatics off of the feeders. I guess it’s easy food. As my Mom always tells me, “work smarter, not harder.” Speaking of Mom, she’s really hoping to see some cardinals but so far, no such luck. Any tips or tricks I can tell her to help attract them?
Dad’s been busy working on his old mustang at night. He likes to show us pictures of the purrogress. I’m all fur it as long as he isn’t tapping into my turkey funds or planning on taking me fur a ride! Dad’s birthday was this past Sunday. Ellie insisted on making cupcakes for him, lighting candles, and singing to him. But when it came to the part of the song where you count to the purrson’s age, Mom chimed in and said he was too old for them to count that high. Poor Dad…he’s catching me in human years.
Ellie is still busy playing with her purresents from Santa Paws. Barbie’s Dreamhouse is all set up in the living room. Too bad Barbie didn’t opt fur a blue or cream colored house to blend in with Mom’s decor. Right meow the hot pink clashes. Mom is okay with it fur now as long as Ken and Barbie remember to keep the house clean. (New year, same OCD.)
Mom’s having a year so far. She’s having flashbacks to the dishwasher giving out last year around this time and having to shell out fur a new one. Well, this year happens to be the refurrigerator. It hasn’t kicked the bucket yet, but in true Mom’s fashion, she’s being proactive. God fur bid I don’t have a place to keep turkey cold.
Any big plans coming up in February? Don’t furrget Valentine’s Day is coming. Wonder what I should get fur my one and only Valentine…Mom.