The Otis Feed

Hoppy (Belated) Easter
Have any of you evfurr seen the Easter Bunny?
I purrsonally haven’t and this year, I was determined to stay up and wait fur him. After waiting (somewhat impatiently) under the blankets of the couch, and with no sign of the elusive hare, I quickly came up with a new plan of action — hiding behind the doorway. I thought fur sure I’d catch him this way. After what felt like an eternity, I decided it was close enough to breakfast time and my stomach was in agreement.
As usual, I woke up Dad, and by the time we walked past the living room, the Easter Bunny had come and gone.
How was this possible? How did I not hear or see him?!
It must have happened while Dad was shushing me. Now I understand how the saying ‘quick like a bunny’ came about. At least I have an idea of what he looks like due to the white fur ball tumbling across the floor. Or wait, maybe that was furrom me?! Now I have to wait a whole year to try to catch the Easter Bunny in the act again.
Either way, the Easter Bunny was very generous as always. I hope you all had a Hoppy Easter, too!