The Otis Feed
If You’re a Unicorn, I’m a Unicorn
Whelp, we’re officially less than a week away furrom Halloween and I still have no clue what I’m going to be. I suppose I’ve spent too much time working on my beauty sleep and not enough time focusing on important things like my costume. If I remember correctly, my costume idea from last year was a complete flunk. I nevfurr had time to get that hind leg sleeve tattoo I wanted to fit the part of Maui, and I most definitely don’t have time to pull it off this year.
Ellie is going fur something colorful, beautiful, and bright. Drum roll please….a light-up unicorn. It’s definitely the purrfect costume fur her. Mom and Dad are going to be Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. Not sure if that’s cute, thoughtful, or embarrassing, but I guess it’s appropriate. Mom and Dad are each other’s best spuds. I mean, best furriends. Purrhaps Mom should have opted to be a super hero because, well, Mom to the rescue again!
She saw me struggling to find a costume and so with no time to waste, she tried on filters with me. Let me just say a rainbow clown wig and big red nose are definitely not meant fur cats. A witches hat was fur sure a contender, but the brim was too big – I definitely wouldn’t be able to see the treats in furront of me. A baby bonnet on my head and me in a stroller had Mom’s vote; I am her baby after all. But Ellie, if you’re a unicorn, I’m a unicorn.