The Otis Feed

It’s Show Time!

By Published On: July 21st, 2021

Ladies, gentleman, and cat lovers alike – get your paws on some popcorn! 

As purromised, I have more infurrmation on the Cat Video Festival happening at The Moviehouse in Millerton this weekend!

Apparently, it’s a phenomenon that’s taken the world and theaters across the U.S. by storm. To paraphrase furrom the latest story from Main Street Mag, “It is a delightful compilation reel of the latest and best cat videos culled from countless hours of unique submissions and sourced animations, music videos, and classic internet powerhouses. Cat Video Fest is a joyous communal experience, only available in theaters, and raises money for cats in need through partnerships with local cat charities, animal welfare organizations, and shelters to best serve cats in the area.”

The screenings will take place Furriday, July 23rd at 3:15 p.m., Caturday, July 24th at 3:00 p.m. and Sunday, July 25th at 3:45 p.m. and are suitable fur adults, families, and children of all ages.

Tickets will be at The Moviehouse box office or online at

Mom and the other wonderful purrsonal at Main Street Magazine have been trying their best help purrmote this pawsome festival. They were even successful in making the connection between The Moviehouse and The Little Guild, who will receive ten purrcent of the ticket purroceeds furrom this purrticular event!

Furrther more, furrom my understanding, the fine folks at The Little Guild will also have a cat adoption infurrmation table on Caturday, July 24 furrom 1-3pm with a couple of felines in need of furrever homes.

Evfurry cat deserves a loving home like mine!

Fur more infurrmation about The Little Guild, please visit them at

I would like to purrsonally thank evfurryone who is taking the time to support and enjoy such a wonderful event!