The Otis Feed

Many Pants
I’ve nevfurr quite understood how humans could wear “many hats” when in fact I’ve nevfurr seen anyone wear more than one at a time, or, none at all. Take Mom fur example. It’s a supurr rare occasion she actually wears a hat. It really only happens when temps reach sub zero or she’s going fur a convertible Mustang cruise with Dad. Yet she has to wear her Mom hat, work hat, cleaning lady hat, and cooking hat all at any one given time.
Dad’s wears many hats too. His Dad hat of course. His favfurrite hat happens to be his construction hat. He sports a baseball cap on the weekends, which serves no specific purrpose – exclusively fur looks. Ellie’s happy wearing whatever hat you give her as, long it has a purrincess on it. As fur me. Well, cats don’t wear hats – that would just be weird, and definitely uncomfurrtable fur my ears! Mom doesn’t want me to feel left out. So, it is my roll to wear the pants in the family; actually, many pants.
I wear my hungry pants when I’m begging fur food; purrimarily treats. My singing pants are purrfect fur purring! My snuggle pants are fur catnapping or snuggling with Mom or Dad. My silly pants are on when I’m feline furrisky and start swatting at things with my pitty-paws. My loud pants, or as Dad has dubbed them, my annoying pants are fur seeking attention at purecisely 4:34 evfurry morning. I put my clean pants on after I’ve groomed myself. Occasionally I breakout the lifeguard pants when Ellie takes a tubby. I need to make sure there aren’t too many bubbles in the bath! This brings me to my next set of pants that I got in 2018. My brother pants – I think I fill these out purretty well. My hunting pants are specifically when I’m sneaking a peak at the birdies outside. And last but certainly not least, Mom’s favorite pair of pants on me; my handsome pants.
Phew! It’s not easy wearing so many pants!