The Otis Feed
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Happy Wednesday furriends. I’m going to keep it short and sweet this week. It wasn’t that long ago my whole family had the rona. Thank goodness were in good health fur the pawlidays. But now, my poor kid sister isn’t feeling so well. Mom has been working furrom home; doing her best to keep up with the magazine deadline fur the next issue, all while comfurrting Ellie.
Mom has purretty strict rules when a family mempurr isn’t feeling well. Fluids, rest, more fluids, and more rest. Knock on wood, I’m feline purrfectly fine, but to help set a good example I’m following Mom’s rules. I got my paws on my favfurrite blanket, found the purrfect place to nap on the couch, and I’ll be sure to drink my water when I get up. Rinse and repeat.
I hope you all are in good health. Please purray fur my sister to feel better quickly!