The Otis Feed

Mr. Purresident
To begin, I would like to start off by wishing evfurryone a happy Whisker Wednesday!
Secondly, I’d like to officially apologize fur letting the Ameowican people down by losing the 2020 Purresidental election.
I guess Ameowica just wasn’t ready fur a feline Purresident. However I can assure you both felines and crazy cat ladies alike will continue to stick together and fight fur what’s right over the next four years. And in case you have furgotten our official platform, allow me to me remind you.
- Increased vacation time for cats in need of napping
- A law requiring vets to make house calls- no more nightmare rides in the car.
- A federal ban on cat leashes-cause who walks a cat
- Reduced sales taxes on all turkey products
- Filtered water from the fridge would be required for all indoor kitties
- A national program for all homeless cats- every feline should have a furever home!
Purrhaps 2024 will be the year for Mr.Purresident?