The Otis Feed

My First Post
Hey guys, that’s for stopping by, it’s so nice to meet you!
As much as I want to tell you all about myself-which I will in my weekly posts-I wanted to introduce you to my family furrrst. My [crazy] cat mom, Ashley, is the one taking this picture, she is also the director of advertising for the magazine. She smothers me with kisses, which I don’t like so much, but I’m honored to be her “furrrst born”! My dad, Fred, is the head carpenter of Nailed It Building & Construction. He’s purrrty talented at what he does. He even made me an extra wide windowsill in the bathroom for me to enjoy some fresh air and catch some extra rays. He is my most favorite human in all the land (at least, I think so? I don’t get out much because I am an indoor kitty so my options are purrretty are limited). On August 10, 2018, just five days before my own birthday, I became a big brother for the furrrst time to my baby sister, Ellie. My parents were so worried about how I would react considering I have been an only child for almost nine years and maybe I would have a hard time adjusting to the roll of big brother, but she’s purrrrty cool so far and I don’t mind coming around her – she’s even becoming quite the crazy cat lady herself!
P.S. Just because I have gone public does not mean I will start eating lasagna, I cut out carbs a long time ago.