The Otis Feed
No Tricks, All Treats!
Happy (day after) Halloween, furriends. I know you were hoping to hear all about my night out and seeing pictures of me rocking the unicorn costume Mom had helped me pick out, but there was a last minute change of plans. Cha-boy got suppurr lucky this year. I didn’t have to get dressed up or step a paw out of the house to get some tasty treats. Ellie hooked a brother up! She understood my three meow’s in a row as “trick-or-treat” and ran ovfurr the drawer to serve me some mouth watering pawty-mix. Thank you, Ellie!
Ellie of course was a purretty light-up unicorn and made gang busters on her candy. Too bad she doesn’t even like candy. Oh well, more fur Mom and Dad I guess. Speaking of Mom and Dad, did you see any pictures of them dressed up as Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead? Well if you didn’t, you didn’t miss much. Ellie thought it was funny, but that’s only because she’s little. Being the mature fourteen year old that I am, I found it to be quite embarrassing.
Now that Halloween is ovfurr, I’m very much looking forward to decking the halls, meowing along to Christmas carols, and curling up under the tree. And I can’t furrget to make my list fur Santa-Paws. Not sure what an indoor kitty who’s living his best life could pawssibly ask fur, but I nevfurr say no to catnip toys! Wonder if I’ll be on the nice list? Raise of paws if you’re excited fur Christmas, too!