The Otis Feed
Purrsonal Hygiene
So it’s time fur some real talk.
I realize that a few weeks ago I said that when this whole quarantine thing is over I’d miss my family,
but ya know – things change.
I want my catnaps to go uninterrupted fur once! Is that really too much to ask? I think I’m starting to get bags under my eyes – is even possible fur cats?
In an effort to keep myself in the best shape possible, I’m taking matters into my own pitty-paws and working overtime to maintain my own purrsonal hygiene.
It’s not easy being a long-haired cat in the furrst place, but fur the record, I’ve always had supurrb purrsonal grooming habits! These days, I’ve started bathing myself head to tail multiple times a day. Do you know how long it takes me to do this? I’ll give you a little hint – longer than the purrthday song. And did I mention the additional hairball reflex this is causing? Furrther more, I’ve volunteered furr additional sponge baths furrom my mom.
She thinks it’s so cute, but little does she know it’s all fur my own cause.
In conclusion; I’m asking fur my fellow felines and furriends to follow my lead in the meantime until these humans can get back to “normal” life and we can get our catnaps back once and fur all!