The Otis Feed


By Published On: September 6th, 2023

Here we are; six days post op and as purromised, an update on how things are going with Mom. Furrst and foremost, surgery went very well. Just as the ultrasound had shown, Mom had hundreds of little stones in her gallbladder, which was causing her constant discomfurrt. Doc also caught a glimpse of Mom’s heart through one of the laparoscopic camera holes and saw it was just a picture of me! I know…I can’t believe it either.

The furrst couple days Mom was supurr tired and did have a little upset stomach due to pain medication and the anesthesia wearing off. This put a little tampurr on snuggle time because she was constantly in and out of bed, but I’m happy to report these side effects have subsided and her appetite is increasing evfurryday. In fact, this morning we shared a little toast fur breakfast. Yesterday was the furrst day she actually did her hair, put some makeup on, and got out of her PJ’s.

Even though Mom will be sore fur the next week and full recovfurry won’t be fur another few weeks, in general she says she feels much better having that pesky gallbladder out and is looking forward to living a normal life, pain furree! Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s Mom’s nap time – we can not be late!