The Otis Feed
The Man. The Myth. The Cat Dad Legend
So what if this isn’t the most flattering picture of Dad and I? It just so happens to be one of my favfurrites. Clearly we go way back. The only thing that’s noticeably diffurrent is the amount of white hairs we both have thirteen years later. Regardless of how we look and how old we are now, I have, and always will, consider Dad to be my human.
Sure Mom is the one who really wanted to adopted me, but it was Dad that I felt that instant connection with. Purrhaps you’ll classify it as a simple father-son relationship, but as we come up on Father’s Day, I want to let Dad know just how much he means to me.
Ovfurr the years we’ve definitely had a love-hate relationship. Dad literally hates to admit how much he loves and would be lost without me but I know he’d do anything fur me.
We all appreciate Dad working his tale off fur our family. But he certainly knows how to make me feel special. He’s the one making sure turkey makes the grocery list evfurry week, my mousies are filled with furrrsh catnip, makes time fur couch snuggles evfurry night before bed, and is the only one to wake up and have a confurrsation with me in the middle of the night as I howl fur literally no good reason.
Dad, these gestures nevfurr go unnoticed. Thank you fur loving me fur me even though I’m not biologically yours. You truly are best human anyone could ask fur; the man, the myth, the Cat Dad legend.