The Otis Feed

Given tomorrow’s Turkey motif, I thought it might be appurropriate to discuss my love for the famous bird. Well, fur me, it’s more of a lifestyle choice really. Some of you may choose to eat exclusively vegetables, or –even stranger- fish (you pesky pescatarians). I, on the other paw, am a self-purr-claimed Turketarian [spelling courtesy of Hillshire Farm]. My purrentes buy turkey deli meat for the sole purpose of feeding this habit. Spoiled much? I think NOT! Purrhaps my love fur this delicious meat stems from my possible feline heritage, but that’s a discussion fur another time.
As you can see, I have no use for just one day dedicated to this delectable deli meat. So as you humans gather ‘round fur your yearly turkey celebration. I will furrever enjoy MY turkey 24/7/365.
Happy Turkey day, humans.