The Otis Feed

Valentine’s Day
I can feel love in the air (or maybe it’s just my dander); Valentine’s Day is coming this Furrriday. Being a single feline myself, a bachelor if you will, I understand how important it can be to feel loved – even in the smallest ways. A new mousey toy to swat around, a little scratch behind the ears, even cleaning my eye-boogers on occasion, all of these little acts of kindness add up to one big house love. Of course, it is my mother who dotes on me this way (in lieu of forbidding me to date). My mother has been my one true valentine through it all and I’m furrever grateful (cat-mom voice and all). So while I sympathize with all of the single felines out there who might find themselves alone this Furrriday evening, I am thankful to have a loving home filled with endless affection, not just reserved fur Valentine’s Day.
I hope you find a cat-mom just like mine-
We really have the bestest time
My, furrrever Valentine.