The Otis Feed

What’s Cookin’?
Mom’s least favfurrite room in the house just happens to be one of my favforrite rooms: the kitchen. Why you ask? Well I love the kitchen because my food is there – duh – and as the saying goes, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I know exactly where the turkey is kept, where the pawty mix is stored, and where to go to ask fur my wet food evfurry night at dinner time. As fur Mom, well she really dislikes cooking – even though Dad and Ellie claim she’s really good at it. Needless to say, Dad does the majority of the cooking and I can count on one paw how many times a year Mom voluntarily takes ovfurr the kitchen.
This past Sunday night happened to be one of those nights. I was just about to close my peepers fur a little pre-dinner cat nap when I heard Mom say something about turkey. I immediately furreaked out. How dare she touch my turkey! I ran out to the kitchen to see what was cookin’ and it was ground turkey in the furrying pan with diced onion to flavor. Phew, crisis averted!
I will howevfurr vouch for Dad and Ellie. Between the ground turkey mixed with onion, a dash of seasoning, some spiral noodles combined with pasta sauce, a side of salad, and garlic bread – the house smelled like a delicious Italian restaurant! (You can’t see my paws but I’m doing the Italian gesture). Even yours truly wanted a little taste, and I’m not a table scraps kinda’ guy.
Moral of this week’s post is that Mom should be cookin’ more often. Can you all send her some recipes? Purreferably something with turkey so I can have some, too.