We have made it – we have gotten through 2020. This year was probably one of the most stressful and challenging for all of us, and perhaps especially for parents. No school, no daycare – then virtual school – and all of this while still working… from home in a lot of instances. Phewww, what a year!
On the plus side, this year has certainly given us the opportunity to slow down in many ways, take stock, and realize (now more than ever) that quality time is what truly matters in life. And most of us have had that in abundance this year.
It is a privilege to not just know and mold our little humans, but it is sometimes the biggest challenge that we will ever face. Being a parent is the biggest gift and honor of my life – no question about that. And all of the extra family togetherness time spent this year has been the silver lining in this year of craziness and chaos.
So now we find ourselves staring down the barrel of 2021: what will THIS year have in store for us, and for our children?
I can only hope that with widespread vaccinations, the rising sun, and warmer weather that we will soon be able to turn the corner, together. I hope that 2021 will be a much better year, and that we find a return to some of the much-desired normalcy. It of course goes without saying that we are saddened by the deaths of so many that have been taken from us way too soon, and we are all saddened and worried about those who have fallen ill by this virus. These things go without saying. And so, when we look beyond those scary statistics and points of extreme worry for those in our lives who are at risk – I think it goes without saying that we cannot wait for a new year, a year of hope, a year of ridding our planet of this virus that has taken so much from us – and quite frankly, has made us worry for our children like never before.
And so, with a new year upon us – a brand new world – I wonder what that will mean. I hope that this vaccine will help eradicate this virus so that our children do not have to worry any more, and that they can see their friends again. I hope that our children can return to school and do what children should do! I hope that 2021 will be a year where children can play, without having to worry, or be confined to a computer. I hope that this brand new year will mark a time that our children can become children again. Because, as much as we think that we’ve shielded them, they still know that things have been crazy in this world for the past year. They know that things are not right. They too are worried and stressed out, and they miss their family and friends.
So dear parent, for our children’s sake, I am hopeful for this brand new year. But we should take the lessons that we’ve learned in 2020 with us, and then grow from there.