A Healthier Life2024-03-26T14:09:57-04:00

A Healthier Life

The pros and cons of distance running vs. sprinting: Which is right for you?

If you’re at all like me, then at the start of each new year, you get the grandiose idea that you’re going to take up running. Now up to this point – for me – this resolution has never lasted. I consider myself to be a pretty active person; I work out between four to five times per […]

It’s all about what you eat: Making nutrition understandable, enjoyable, & achievable with nutritionist Michelle Sisk

When nutritionist and dietitian Michelle Sisk RD-N, CD-N, LD-N began her career, it wasn’t directly related to food at all. After attaining a BA in English from Williams College, she taught English for a few years at a boarding school while coaching cross country running and leading a fitness class.

Soon, though, her personal interests inspired her […]

Prebiotics, probiotics, supplements, oh my! Understanding the distinctions & how to boost your gut health

Although I take a handful of supplements and a probiotic each night, it recently dawned on me that while I know these are good for me to take, I don’t really know what they do, or why I should be taking them. In general, I know that probiotics are meant to aid your digestion, […]

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