At Large2023-09-04T17:01:14-04:00


The Sideward Glance, the Nervous Two-step

Near the end of the interview on CBS Sunday Morning, Dani Izzie put her life as a quadriplegic in clear, direct perspective: "I don't want to go to the grocery store and have somebody randomly come up to me and say, 'You're so inspiring.' Why? Because I'm at the grocery store? I want to be seen as normal. I want to be seen on the [...]

By |July 29th, 2023|At Large|

Teach Your Parents Well

Remembering Tina When Tina “the Queen of Rock ’n Roll” Turner died recently, the digital music universe reverberated in tribute by presenting her feisty renditions of Proud Mary, What’s Love Got to Do With It?, and You Better Be Good to Me. Ranging from her early, turbulent days with Ike Turner to her supercharged career revival complete with film appearances and title songs, we became [...]

By |July 3rd, 2023|At Large|

Love, loss, and a 1954 Hudson

We are a nation divided. Deep chasms have opened in our society, stretch-ing the boundaries of decorum and decency. It is not helpful that major corporations, those behemoths with countless resources, have taken sides in this debate, leaving individuals struggling to find and cement alli-ances in the face of seemingly relent-less advertising and incentives. Politics? They have little to do with this situation, which has [...]

By |May 2nd, 2023|At Large|
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