This Months Featured Articles2024-05-06T19:58:43-04:00

This Month’s Featured Articles…

Doing All We Can to Protect Where We Live

By Peter W. Greenough | Unfortunately, our environment has become a political football. Is the climate changing as a result of human activity or not? Don’t we all want the healthiest environment possible for our children, ourselves, and our grandchildren? Is that not a universal value? Let’s avoid discussing the politics, and examine what we can do to safeguard our waters, air, soil, oceans, food and food chain, the fauna and flora everywhere, and our atmosphere. […]

By |March 29th, 2019|Featured Article|

Reduce, Reuse, and…

By Ian Strever | There was a time in the 1990s and early 2000s when recycling helped us feel better about our environmental impact. As programs sprouted in nearly every community and, single-stream programs made the process easier for consumers, we felt a sense of urgency in our weekly deposits. By 2009, Connecticut had managed to divert 65% of plastics from landfills through recycling and incineration. If we all did our part, the planet would be okay. Or so we thought. […]

By |March 29th, 2019|Featured Article|

The Origins of Earth Day

By Regina Molaro | Every April 22, people across the globe unite to celebrate Earth Day – the largest environmentalist movement worldwide. Together, they embrace environmental activism and support the protection of our planet. Beyond their efforts to clean waterways, plant trees, minimize pollution, and reduce climate change, they promote awareness of environmental issues. […]

By |March 29th, 2019|Featured Article|

Dark Skies Above Us

When the moon is new or below the horizon and the sky is clear, we can marvel at the infinite blackness above us. You will see the endless universe sparkling stars, glowing planets, maybe some shooting stars, meteors, or even a stray comet. From our four adjacent counties in three states, this unmatched marvel is possible because we are removed from the form of pollution that we seldom consider: light pollution caused by wasteful misdirected light sources that lighten the skies. Most people have never [...]

By |March 29th, 2019|Featured Article|

Falcons and Falconry

By Dominique DeVito | Once upon a time, we humans had to hunt for our food, and not in the aisles of markets, but in the great outdoors. Having neither sharp claws, large teeth, great speed, nor wings, we had to rely on our smarts, and that meant finding help. […]

By |March 2nd, 2019|Featured Article|
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