This Months Featured Articles2024-05-06T19:58:43-04:00

This Month’s Featured Articles…

The Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum

By John Torsiello | The history of brave men and women in their magical flying machines are lovingly preserved at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum. But this is not your static, hands-off museum. No, these winged machines, some dating back to the earliest days of flight, take to the air summer through fall in air shows that delight young and old alike. […]

By |May 1st, 2017|Featured Article|

A Cuba father and son trip

By Peter Greenough | Having visited every Spanish and Portuguese-speaking country in Latin America over the years, except for Cuba and Honduras, I was eager to see the jewel of the Caribbean under Castro-style socialism – before it is overrun by American tourists or possibly closed again by the Trump administration. In early January, 2017, my son and I took the leap. The trip was so much easier and less bureaucratic than I’d ever have imagined for a country that mostly has been off limits [...]

By |May 1st, 2017|Featured Article|

Making Hay While the Sun Shines

By Christine Bates | For our Animal themed issue, Main Street interviewed Scot Galliher, the founder and owner of Silver Mountain Hay, in his 1835 house overlooking snow covered hay fields. We discovered the origin of the expression “making hay while the sun shines.” How would you describe your business? Silver Mountain Hay sows, harvests, and stores hay of the highest quality for horse feed. The term “hay” is actually an imprecise catchall word for many types of grasses that are fed to animals. I started the [...]

By |March 1st, 2017|Featured Article|

Columbia County Habitat for Humanity

By Mary B. O’Neill, Ph.D. | It’s no mystery that people are attracted to this area for its simplicity and beauty. The desire to live here on a full or part-time basis is driven by the quality of life we believe we can achieve. An unfortunate side effect of this – particularly if you’re a first-time buyer – is increased home prices. When demand increases and supply decreases, prices go up. This basic economic relationship is being played out all over Columbia County, NY. And [...]

By |February 1st, 2017|Featured Article|
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