This Months Featured Articles2024-05-06T19:58:43-04:00

This Month’s Featured Articles…

A Good Real Estate Investment? Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks

By Christine Bates | Unless you live in a mobile home or are part of the mobile home industry, few people are aware of the history, economics, and regulations shaping the mobile home real estate market. Main Street’s monthly real estate feature decided to investigate this unfamiliar segment of the residential real estate market. A brief history Trailer to mobile home to manufactured home Out of necessity during the Great Depression of the 1930s many unemployed and impoverished Americans started living in trailers originally designed for traveling [...]

By |January 1st, 2017|Featured Article|

When a Love of Horses & Art Collide

By CB Wismar  | The man with the microphone does not usually speak to large groups. His voice is measured, almost a whisper, at times. What he is saying is heartfelt, and the audience spread in sweeping arcs on the hillside listens intently, not wishing to disturb the moment. “I’m not sure I knew who I was …” This is a dramatic, personal, deeply engaged presentation. Then, suddenly, the moment changes. As if on cue, a great white horse moves from across the round corral [...]

By |December 1st, 2016|Featured Article|

Jim Carroll – Artist. Designer. Illustrator. Author. Dad.

By Allison Guertin Marchese | Jim Carroll has spent most of his life creating. Though he says on his website bio that he prefers to be outside playing, his work, which keeps him indoors, includes creating art, designs, illustrations, books, websites, and animations for individuals, not-for-profits, and large corporations. For his efforts, Jim’s uniquely creative art work has been honored by the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, the New York Book Awards, and The Port Authority of NY-NJ, to name just a [...]

By |November 7th, 2016|Featured Article|

The hidden secrets and historic highlights of Hillsdale, NY

By Allison Guertin Marchese | Hillsdale has been a National Historic District since 2009. Yet one of the strangest secrets of Hillsdale’s history is that few facts, names, and general records seem to have been kept, making it very difficult to piece together what really happened back in the beginning. In his History of Hillsdale, New York, printed in Philmont, NY, in 1883, the Hon. John Francis Collins wrote: “The turbulence in Hillsdale for three-fourths of a century after its first settlement by civilized [...]

By |October 1st, 2016|Featured Article|

Plantin’ Seeds 

By Mary B. O’Neill, Ph.D. Sometimes there’s nothing like a good metaphor to illustrate a concept. Plantin’ Seeds uses the germination process to illuminate its mission of educating the wider community about farms, local food, and the importance of sowing seeds and ideas in fertile soil. There are two components to the Plantin’ Seeds organization: plantin’ seeds farm kitchen in Canaan, and Pom’s Cabin Farm in Falls Village, where Plantin’ Seeds was first conceived. Both are instructional venues for educational programs. […]

By |September 1st, 2016|Featured Article|
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