Featured Artists2023-09-04T17:16:01-04:00


Art in the Time of Pandemic

It was inevitable. As soon as one or more of the pundits coined the phrase “life in the time of the pandemic,” we reached onto the bookshelf of memory and pulled down the copy of Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s life-changing volume Love in the Time of Cholera.

This is the moment in which we live. COVID-19 is our pandemic, but it seemed to have ties to other moments in history when time stopped, when commerce ground to a halt, when lives were lost and […]

By |Featured Artist|

Unique Local Podcast Offers a Glimpse into The Past

The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, CT, recently announced Hindsight is, a three-episode podcast series created in conjunction with the museum’s exhibition of Twenty Twenty, a group show of drawings in which seven artists respond to the lived experience of this historic year, on view October 12, 2020 to March 14, 2021. The series, created in the radio play genre, includes a range of historical figures from Ridgefield and across Connecticut. Actors from the […]

By |Featured Artist, Main Street|

Take Thee to the Re

How cool is an exhibition of art that is outside at night?

How fantastic to arrive at an old farm at dusk, a sliver of a moon perched in an indigo sky – a tableau wonderful enough in itself to be the experience – the magic of the night just starting to unfold?

How amazing for an artist to transform his land and home into a statement about the precariousness of our times with this inside-out experience?

It’s so cool and so fantastic and so amazing and so […]

By |Featured Artist|

Marvelously Light-Footed

It was one of those moments beyond logic … or control. The title of Alison Larkin’s wonderful, best-selling novel is The English American. At its very mention, in the recesses of the mind, where one’s personal “Spotify” play list lies in wait, the mention of the title evoked the plaintive lyrics of Sting’s An Englishman in New York. Without warning, the song appeared on the imaginary turntable of the memory.

“Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety…

At night a candle’s brighter than the sun.”

And, now you have […]

By |Featured Artist|
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