At Large2023-09-04T17:01:14-04:00


The Struggle to Sustain a Salubrious Scullery with Zero Food Waste

For readers who may remember my article from last July’s issue that like this one centered around food and drink, this is a follow-up to the challenges I face as a foodie trying to buy fresh, local, and primarily organic ingredients I can whip into Michelin-star-worthy meals that miraculously remain healthy. I’ve been trying to cook cleanly – and gratifyingly – for my partner, Jason, [...]

By |June 27th, 2024|A Healthier Life, At Large, Food, Main Street News, Our Environment|

Dinner on Speed Dial

Managing a move from the Litchfield Hills to the outlying suburbs of Boston is no mean feat. In our case, it involved the standard “tag sales,” farewell dinners with friends, all of which ended up with the de rigueur “We’ll see you soon,” and multiple visits to the town transfer station to make deposits on the “gift table” followed by tossing stuffed bags of trash [...]

By |June 27th, 2024|At Large|

Share a Cab

For the moment, let’s consider it “accidental intersection.” Coincidence seems too grand a designation, so it could only have been a simple twist of fate that the first song emanating from the car stereo speakers after we had emerged from a screening of Alex Garland’s Civil War was Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi. The irony was not lost, however, as we sang along to familiar [...]

By |May 31st, 2024|At Large|

Spring Offers Hope – Even for Those with the Black Thumb of Death

Ahh, spring.  Every time I utter the word my body instinctively takes a profoundly deep breath. You know the kind I mean, the type of breath doctors instruct you to take while sitting on their exam table waiting for your annual physical.  “Now inhale deeply,” my doc will say while placing an ice-cold stethoscope on my chest and back, checking that my lungs and heart [...]

By |May 1st, 2024|At Large, Main Street News|
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