
Our Environment, Animal Tips and the Great Outdoors

Our Environment

Rural Center Refillery Sparks Conversation About Sustainability and Wellness

Since opening the Rural Center Refillery in Pine Plains, NY, in early 2023, owners Nicole and Corey Clanahan have focused on having conversations with community members and refining their products to match what people want to see on the shelves. 

“We’ve really worked hard to cultivate the […]

Animals Tips

What You Feed Your Cat or Dog

Pet owners know that what you feed your cat or dog can be just as important as how much love and attention you give them. According to longtime dog owner, pet lover, and dog groomer Hayley Cooper, salon manager at PetSmart in Greenport NY., fish is the way to go. […]

By |Animal Tips|

Great Outdoors

Getting Grounded

As the summer season heats up, we’re all yearning to spend time in the great outdoors. Our leisure time is gleefully filled with a host of fun activities – from kayaking to swimming, camping, biking, and hiking.

By now, the trees are covered in verdant green leaves and the flowers have […]

By |Great Outdoors|
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