
Our Environment, Animal Tips and the Great Outdoors

Our Environment

Taking the Waste out of Food Waste

It is a dilemma that everyone has most likely experienced. You lean back from the table as your food baby protrudes in front of you. Your plate still features the remaining forkfuls of food. Despite your best efforts you can’t bring yourself to finish the meal in an attempt to […]

By |Our Environment|

Southern New England by Contrast

This is a beautiful part of the country, it really is. At least once a week, a certain slant of light or the fleeting glimpse of a fox reminds me how lucky we are to live amidst such natural wonders.

But March?

This year, that fifth month of winter nudged me toward […]

By |Our Environment|

Giving Life to your Backyard

When I began my journey into wildlife photography about ten years ago, I was assuming I was entering into a field in which I’d have a new way to create beautiful photographs. Although this turned out to be true, I quickly realized there was so much more.  With each subject […]

By |Our Environment|

Animals Tips

Great Outdoors

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