Featured Artists2023-09-04T17:16:01-04:00


BOOK REVIEW – The Alchemy of Us

The Hardware of Our lives Transformed the Software of Generations. The Alchemy of Us reveals tech’s Transformative Impact

 As she stepped off the Main Stage in Los Angeles, Ainissa Ramirez, blowtorch in hand, must have been aware on some level just how prognostic her metallurgic display, combining science and education during her 2012 TED Talk, would be when it came to her new book The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another. In her latest offering, Ramirez examines eight inventions -clocks, steel rails, copper […]

By |Book Review, Featured Artist|


Allen Blagden’s career as an internationally celebrated artist is embodied in a story arc that begins, lifts and soars, then settles into a comfortable sense of accomplishment and enduring promise. His talent has been widely celebrated, recognized with awards and – perhaps most importantly – included in private and public collections of great note. And, all of this has led him to create in a place that is no more than a brisk walk from where it all began.

Born into a family of artists, Allen’s […]

By |Featured Artist|


It is an imposing journey – Papua New Guinea to the Litchfield Hills of Connecticut. Halfway around the world doesn’t come close to identifying the cultural, language and geographic distances that are inherent in the trip. Yet, as Jane Magon Collection jewelry begins to appear in the collections of local residents, thanks to the efforts of Kara Collins, the enormous distances and differences become an intrinsic part of the uniqueness and charm.

Jane and how it all began

Jane Magon, Australian-born, grew up in Papua New Guinea […]

By |Featured Artist|


There is an ethereal elegance to Eric Forstmann’s work – an almost hypnotic aura that brings viewers back again, and again. And, each time, they are rewarded with another whisper of an idea … a moment of discovery that may bring a smile or simply be celebrated with a shake of the head.

His iconic painting of dress shirts hung on wood and wire hangers against a blank wall (Five Shirts at 3:17 PM, depicted on the opposite page) is so precise in its folds and […]

By |Featured Artist|
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