This Months Featured Articles2024-05-06T19:58:43-04:00

This Month’s Featured Articles…

A Full Life

For those of us who have grown up tucked within the congenial fabric of rural life, that which breeds the kind of familiarity whose beauty is only rivaled by the backdrop of our beloved local landscape, there are those figures who feel as though they can simply never leave us. Those that have been a permanent fixture during our youth and whose visage does not seem to change despite the passage of time. Sometimes it’s the hairdresser or the bartender, many times it’s the educator [...]

By |January 28th, 2022|Featured Article|

Immersed In Nature

Within the last few decades, technology has certainly kept the pace buzzing. While access to a wealth of information on our phones certainly has its advantages, we’re also continually distracted and interrupted by the constant flow of emails, texts, and phone calls. During our leisure time, we often scroll through Instagram or check Facebook or Twitter rather than enjoy the reality of the world around us. While we scroll our devices, we’re missing out on connecting with those around us or just taking in the [...]

By |December 28th, 2021|Featured Article|

Reading the Cards

It’s Sunday, and I’m on a walk and casting about for something to do. A manicure? Nah. Hmmm… what’s this? A drop-in tarot reading? Why not? I’d been seeing posts about tarot on Instagram and in articles here or there. This year, Dior launched its spring/summer collection with an opulent tarot-inspired video, and the UK’s The Sun has a daily tarot card interpretation on its website. Significant upheavals in my life and the never-ending COVID cloud have me wondering about the bigger picture, a universe [...]

By |December 28th, 2021|Featured Article|

Make January a Jump-Start

The holidays are over. The lights will soon be coming down. The dreariness of January, February, March, and – yes – even April looms like a black hole of bah humbug. And yet, this seemingly dreary time of year in our beloved Northeast can be a great gift. A new year symbolizes hope and beginnings. It’s time to leave last year behind and be present to what’s possible now and going forward. Days and weeks that are characterized by cold temperatures and early nights are [...]

By |December 28th, 2021|Featured Article|

Homegrown Leadership

In a letter to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson once wrote “Agriculture … is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to wealth, good morals and happiness….” and, as he sat overlooking his famous gardens from his home in Monticello, VA, wrote to a friend saying, “I am entirely a farmer, soul and body, never scarcely admitting a sentiment on any other subject.” There was good reason for our country’s foremost political leader to feel so connected to farming and the agricultural [...]

By |December 28th, 2021|Featured Article|
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