This Months Featured Articles2024-05-06T19:58:43-04:00

This Month’s Featured Articles…

Digging Deeper Into Who You Are

Welcome 2021! There is so much about 2020 that we all want to kick to the curb forever. Turning the calendar to a new year feels like a way to make a new start; this is true of all years, but this one especially so. A new year is also a time for reflection, for assessing the pros and cons of our lives and for committing or recommitting to changes that we hope will improve them. One thing about spending so much time alone or [...]

By |December 28th, 2020|Featured Article|

Spiritual Healing

In 2006, after over two decades in the business world, I did something previously unimaginable to me. I began to study the spiritual healing practices of the Apache people. Equally if not more remarkable, in 2019, my wife and I founded a 501©3 non-profit organization, The Pinchas Foundation, to spread spiritual healing and support equine rescue work. My journey to spiritual healing In a nutshell, spiritual healing is about healing from the inside out. Spiritual healing practitioners believe that physical illness is caused by the [...]

By |December 28th, 2020|Featured Article|

Going Nuclear

Caution: This article contains a trigger warning and a spoiler alert.  Trigger warning: Your unconscious emotional triggers and emotional reactivity can harm your psychological and physical health.  Spoiler alert: The happy ending is that addressing your reactivity is within your control, and with practice and perhaps some professional help, you can calm your system, make different choices on how to respond, and take your finger off the switch that will cause an emotional nuclear meltdown. What is emotional reactivity? As we walk through life, we [...]

By |December 28th, 2020|Featured Article|

Come On, Get Happy!

With 2020 unfolding as it did, 2021 couldn’t arrive quickly enough. Over the past year, the pandemic has dominated our lives, lifestyles, media, social media, and conversations. All the uncertainty and fear of this novel coronavirus has certainly compromised our happiness and wellbeing. It’s a new year, so let’s scrap that and focus on how we can create happiness and foster wellbeing, which is “the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.” Happiness is something most of us hope to attain and over the course [...]

By |December 28th, 2020|Featured Article|

The Sports Enthusiast

The easiest aspect of Christmas shopping for a sports enthusiast (whether it be a spouse, significant other, best friend, brother, sister, boss, whomever), is that there are so many toys and so much equipment on the sports market. The smart approach is to make sure you know what your giftee enjoys about sports, or might enjoy. Are they active participants in, say tennis or golf, or would they perhaps like to exercise at home on a treadmill or stationary bike? Nothing can spoil a Christmas [...]

By |November 25th, 2020|Featured Article|
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