Nothing Is Impossible To Her Who Will

In 2018, when Republican Senator Kathy Marchione announced that she would not seek re-election in Senate District 43, the news immediately raised the collective temperature on a seat suddenly in play for a traditionally competitive district. But for Marchione’s eventual successor Daphne Jordan – competition is in […]

By |2021-11-17T13:13:18-05:00August 28th, 2021|Featured Article|

A Walk In The Woods

Mark Twain is credited with the pronouncement that “Golf is a good walk spoiled.” Truth is that the judgement was first rendered 38 years after Twain’s death … but the presumption continues. True or not, the balance to that invective might well be that Art Omi in […]

By |2021-08-25T10:47:54-04:00July 29th, 2021|Featured Article|

Urgent Progress

“Home is a place not only of strong affections,” Harriet Beeche Stowe once said. “But of entire unreserved.” The famous sentiment has since encompassed the entirety of the nation’s romantic ambitions for home ownership. It is not only a place we value as a “dressing room” for […]

By |2021-08-23T10:18:51-04:00July 29th, 2021|Featured Article|

Reaping and Sowing For Good

What was your family doing 100 years ago? That’s four or five generations back. Past your parents, your grandparents, your great-grandparents, and on to your great-great grandparents. Think about it. How far back do your family stories go? If you’re the average person who knows something about […]

By |2021-07-29T12:47:34-04:00July 29th, 2021|Featured Article|

New Traditions

There is a lot to be said about the terms “routine” and “tradition” after the collective experience of 2020. For over a century, generations of local families have fastened themselves to the tradition of attending the Dutchess County Fair so much so that the annual event has […]

By |2021-07-30T10:22:13-04:00July 29th, 2021|Featured Article|

Where Farm Meets Table

Emerging from our COVID has left us hungry – for experiences and joyful connection. For more than a year, we closed in on ourselves, threw ourselves into gardening and growing food, and found solace in the outdoors, perhaps becoming more curious about the natural world. It would […]

By |2021-06-29T20:49:49-04:00June 29th, 2021|Featured Article|

Roasting In Pine Plains

There’s something about watching someone do something they love with their hands that’s mesmerizing. It’s like watching ballet or like watching a child put a puzzle together. You become fully engaged yourself and can’t look away.

I didn’t know roasting coffee beans was as hands-on an experience as […]

By |2021-07-01T12:42:54-04:00June 29th, 2021|Featured Article|
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