
Our Environment, Animal Tips and the Great Outdoors

Our Environment

Housatonic Valley Association receives grant to expand Connections Program

The Housatonic Valley Association (HVA), a conservation organization dedicated to the tri-state Housatonic watershed, has recently received a grant of nearly $100,000 from the Long Island Sound Study Community Impact Fund and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. 

The grant was awarded through Restore America’s Estuaries, a […]

Animals Tips

Fear Free Cat Transport Part 2

With some prior success getting Kitty used to the carrier, as discussed in Part 1, it is now time to take a ride to the Veterinarian! Be sure to apply pheromones in the carrier 15 minutes prior to her entry.  When it is time to transport, always allow enough time to […]

By |Animal Tips|

What You Feed Your Cat or Dog

Pet owners know that what you feed your cat or dog can be just as important as how much love and attention you give them. According to longtime dog owner, pet lover, and dog groomer Hayley Cooper, salon manager at PetSmart in Greenport NY., fish is the way to go. […]

By |Animal Tips|

Great Outdoors

High Spirit Community Farm provides residential farm living for adults with intellectual disabilities

High Spirit Community Farm is a therapeutic residential and farm-based work program for adults with intellectual disabilities in Great Barrington, MA.

The organization was founded back in 2014 when parents of young adults with intellectual disabilities were struggling to find placement for their children after they aged […]

Getting Grounded

As the summer season heats up, we’re all yearning to spend time in the great outdoors. Our leisure time is gleefully filled with a host of fun activities – from kayaking to swimming, camping, biking, and hiking.

By now, the trees are covered in verdant green leaves and the flowers have […]

By |Great Outdoors|
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