Featured Artists2023-09-04T17:16:01-04:00


The Beauty of the Mire: A Photo Essay by Ryder Kimball

-by Ryder Kimball

Last June I returned home to New York City after graduating college. I was ready to begin my
career and settle into post-student life. Eight months later the pandemic began and normality
changed for everyone in unprecedented ways. I moved to Lakeville, CT, with my family and I have
spent the past few months dealing with the fallout and attempting to outline the future. But
nothing has felt the same since we’ve been sheltering-in-place. For me, the only regularity I’ve
maintained has been taking photos. Photography has been […]

By |Featured Artist|

The Berkshire Woodworkers Guild

One of the standard images in introductory art history classes is Rembrandt’s Syndics of the Cloth Guild, a 17th century portrait of six distinguished gentlemen who shared a common vocation and were proud members of the local guild. In existence since the early days of the Roman Empire, guilds had become the professional refuge of artisans of like mind and interest.  Traditionally independent in business, they were bound in interest and skill.

Flash forward to the 21st century, and the concept of a guild lives on, […]

By |Featured Artist|

Renaissance Man with a Camera

We live in a strange time – a moment when some of our trusted norms and traditions seem to evaporate with the slide of a “mouse” or the flick across a phone screen. Word processing allowed everyone to become a writer – no more laboring with pens, pads, typewriters and carbon paper. Finish the screed and hit “send.”

And, as for photography, the notion of lugging around the family Pentax and a tripod or hiring the local wedding photographer to memorialize the family reunion has evaporated […]

By |Featured Artist|

History in a Flash: Local Photographer Documents the People of a Pandemic

In April of 1936, a young photographer by the name of Arthur Rothstein arrived in Boise City Oklahoma for the purpose of taking pictures on behalf of what was then known as the Federal Government’s Resettlement Administration. Agency higher-ups believed photographs could be used as a powerful tool to show not only the economic problems the nation was facing, but what the government was doing about them. What followed over the next seven years were some of the most striking images, taken by Rothstein and […]

By |Featured Artist|
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