Featured Artists2023-09-04T17:16:01-04:00


The Berkshires get Creative In Response to Virus

In response to the many stay-at-home orders across the area as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the local arts and artisan community of the Berkshires has responded in a variety of creative ways. From tangible to imaginative, the Berkshire arts community has come together to provide resources for businesses and residents to protect themselves as well as family activities for stay-at-home and self-quarantined households.

Putting the Imagination to Work while Staying Put
Suzi Banks Baum, an inspirational artist and speaker for Rising Forth and New Illuminations, […]

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An Actor’s Life

There is a freshness every time Allyn Burrows, artistic director of Shakespeare & Company takes to the stage in the crackling moments before the house lights dim, the actors move into place, and with a burst of stage wash, the play begins.

It is Burrows, after all, who welcomes the audience to one of the stages situated in the Berkshires in Lenox, MA, before most performances. He exudes energy, the sincerity of an artist at the peak of his career and a true believer in the […]

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Citizen Artist – Tom Zetterstrom

Meeting photographer Tom Zetterstrom in his Canaan, CT, home is instantly reminiscent of encountering Henry David Thoreau’s explanation for why he established a cabin in the woods overlooking Walden Pond and spent over a year of his life among the maples, pines, and elm. “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach.”

What Zetterstrom has learned from his lengthy sojourns in the woods […]

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Lights, Camera, Ambition

The Adrenaline Rush.

We’ve all experienced it, for ­­many different reasons, some wonderful and some simply frightening. For skiers, it’s the push off at the top of the mountain and the anticipation of the careening journey to the bottom. For parents, it’s the moment when a daughter or son takes a first attempt at riding a horse, riding a bicycle without training wheels, or stepping on to the stage to recite lines in the third grade play.

For Keith Boynton, the young filmmaker raised in the Northwest […]

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