This Months Featured Articles2024-05-06T19:58:43-04:00

This Month’s Featured Articles…

Faith Alive

He was born into a time when religions and culture were shifting rapidly, often colliding. Multiple denominations were vying for followers, but church membership was in decline. Rationalism and skepticism was on the rise. Jonathan Lee His name was Jonathan Lee, and as he grew up in Coventry, CT, the “Great Awakening” rose around him. New England churches had lost the fire that once animated them; in those days many practiced a “staid and routine formalism.” People who sought a heart-felt, emotionally-rich experience increasingly looked away [...]

By |October 3rd, 2019|Featured Article|

The Railroad’s Lasting Impact

Railroads are, for the most part, an almost forgotten part of life in Dutchess County. Oh sure, we can still hop onto a Metro North train and travel to New York City from stations to the south. But the enormous influence the iron horse once played in the area’s economy and everyday life are only memories, stories and photographs in books. Some individuals strive to keep those memories fresh. John Henry Low (an appropriate if serendipitously bestowed name by his parents) is one of these. [...]

By |October 3rd, 2019|Featured Article|

The 29th Connecticut Infantry

While the Civil War has been the subject of nearly 100,000 books, there are, amazingly, still important stories to be told. One such story is that of the 29th Connecticut Infantry, an African American unit nearly forgotten by history. It is the subject of but one book, and the two monuments to the regiment were constructed within the last twelve years. Yet the story of the 29th Connecticut is an important one; collectively their service had implications for the nation’s future and individually its members [...]

By |October 3rd, 2019|Featured Article|

5 Generations of Antiques Dealers

Montage Antiques of “antiques row” (as we affectionately refer to it here at Main Street Magazine) in Millerton, NY, is a true family affair. When did you open in Millerton? We opened our store four and a half years ago, and this summer we bought the building. We find the village so appealing from a retail point of view. There’s no need to drive from store to store, which was the case with our previous shop in Woodbury, CT. Millerton has a wonderful range of [...]

By |October 3rd, 2019|Featured Article, Monthly Entrepreneur|

Youth Movements: Collective Forces That Matter

Sitting in my truck on a hot August afternoon in the parking lot of the Bagel Tyme in Valatie, NY, waiting to meet with Youth Voices Matter’s program specialist Lori Teaney for a chat over a cup of coffee about her specialized outreach in the area, it’s hard to comprehend how the forces of time and experience can bring us together just as easily as they cause us to drift down separate paths. For both Lori and myself, having been class-mates in our youth, our [...]

By |September 25th, 2019|Featured Article|
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