Featured Artists2023-09-04T17:16:01-04:00


Deconstructed, Revitalized… Reconstructed

Perhaps Oscar Wilde was correct. “Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” Should one be in need a living example, please welcome Richard Griggs. An artist who finds elegance and beauty where others see pieces that should be consigned to the local transfer station, Griggs creates pieces that take on new and whimsical dimensions.

And, as far as the life/art continuum, his own story is very much an illustration of the immense value of reconstruction. By any common measure, Richard Griggs should have been […]

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A Moment of Whimsy

It’s unclear whether Eric Martin was channeling his inner Thoreau when he returned to the United States from an intense year of graduate study at the University of Limerick in Ireland. After long hours of practice on his instrument of choice, the viola, he sought to recapture some of the simplicity and innocence of summers passed in the Adirondacks.

Henry David’s words from Walden rang true. “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and […]

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Musical Alchemy

The era of silent films ushered in the evolutionary landslide that has led us to digital streaming, spectacular visual effects, panoramic sound and the fully immersive world that is film today. Even in the era of COVID-19 when visiting the neighborhood cinema has been replaced by streaming services and parking lot ad hoc theaters, the magic of film is magnetic and consuming.

From the moment in 1903 when The Great Train Robbery mesmerized audiences with 12 minutes of non-stop action, a new art form emerged. Stories […]

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Into the Woods

Mention designer Matthew Patrick Smyth and one conjures tasteful rooms, beautiful fabrics, well-curated furniture and antiques and, most of all, comfort. A place to call home. Smyth has had his own business for over 30 years and he is still one of the most sought-after interior designers.

Finding his true calling

Smyth did not start out to be a decorator. The oldest of five children, he started out as a theater major, switched to business, and still did not feel that he had found his true calling.

“I […]

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