About Ashley Kristjansson

Ashley’s face is the face of the magazine in many ways, whereas she’s the friendly face that greets everyone who visit our office, and because she’s the one who is constantly out on the road meeting with our readers and advertisers. She’s got her finger on the pulse of the tri-corner area and welcomes your greetings and inquiries.

An Unexpected Makeovfurr 

The subject line this week purrobably purrked your interest, so I’ll cut right to the chase.

Ellie had another cousin sleepovfurr this past weekend. Unlike the last sleepovfurr with three cousins, Ellie just invited Wizabella (as she’s dubbed her) this time. I much purrfurr it this way; it was so much quieter and speaking on […]

By |2023-02-22T13:13:50-05:00February 22nd, 2023|The OTIS Feed|

I Love My Entire Family

This past weekend Mom and Dad decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day early with a couples massage, a dinner date, and shopping. When they arrived home I was starving! They were late feeding me dinner. Once my belly was full I realized something was diffurrent in the house.

Spurr of the moment, Ellie had her very […]

By |2023-02-15T14:58:56-05:00February 15th, 2023|The OTIS Feed|

A Doggie Bag

Wouldn’t you agree it’s nice to be fresh water-bowled and dined? This seldomly happens to me; purrobably once evfurry two years. That is until last week; I got treated twice.

Seldomly Mom evfurr treats herself to anything, but last week while delivfurring the February issue of Main Street Magazine, which also happens to be […]

By |2023-02-08T14:20:50-05:00February 8th, 2023|The OTIS Feed|

What’s Cookin’?

Mom’s least favfurrite room in the house just happens to be one of my favforrite rooms: the kitchen. Why you ask? Well I love the kitchen because my food is there – duh – and as the saying goes, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I know exactly where the […]

By |2023-01-31T16:45:37-05:00January 31st, 2023|The OTIS Feed|

Man! I Feel Like A Shania Twain Fan!

We all know Mother loves music (almost) as much as she loves me. As the story goes, Mom’s music obsession started back in the 90’s (yikes Mom, that means you’re old)! Cassette tapes (what are those?!) turned into CD’s, digital downloads, and hours of singing her heart out to so many talented artists, but […]

By |2023-01-25T16:32:16-05:00January 25th, 2023|The OTIS Feed|

More Bugs

Happy Wednesday furriends. I’m going to keep it short and sweet this week. It wasn’t that long ago my whole family had the rona. Thank goodness were in good health fur the pawlidays. But now, my poor kid sister isn’t feeling so well. Mom has been working furrom home; doing her best to keep […]

By |2023-01-18T11:34:19-05:00January 18th, 2023|The OTIS Feed|

Whatta Day

Yesterday started off just like any normal day – Dad left for work, Mom brought Ellie to school but then she returned. I thought that was supurr sweet of Mom to take the day off to spend with me. She spent the morning pampurring me; petting me, scratching under my chinny-chin, gave me a […]

By |2023-01-11T10:44:09-05:00January 11th, 2023|The OTIS Feed|

Furrst week of 2023

Hey furriends! How are you? We haven’t spoken since last year. Paw slapper – that joke nevfurr gets old! It’s been a busy week here at the homestead.

With the pawlidays officially ovfurr and the helping paws of Dad, Ellie, and myself, Mom de-Christmas’d until Novempurr (25th to be exact). Spoiler alerted! She […]

By |2023-01-04T15:56:25-05:00January 4th, 2023|The OTIS Feed|

Adiós 2022

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news furriends, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open to get a glimpse of Santa Paws. I purromise one of these years I will make it happen!

Boy, Mom wasn’t kitten all year telling me I’m such a good man. Santa Paws exceeded my expectations. I got […]

By |2022-12-27T10:55:20-05:00December 27th, 2022|The OTIS Feed|

Pawliday Hustle And Bustle

Furrst, I want to start off by thanking each and evfurry one of you who DM’d (direct meow’d) Mom and commented last week on my recent diagnosis. Please know Mom and I feel comfurrted by your outpouring support. And I’ve been a really good man (so far) taking my medicine. But not to worry, […]

By |2022-12-20T19:56:24-05:00December 20th, 2022|The OTIS Feed|
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