About Ashley Kristjansson

Ashley’s face is the face of the magazine in many ways, whereas she’s the friendly face that greets everyone who visit our office, and because she’s the one who is constantly out on the road meeting with our readers and advertisers. She’s got her finger on the pulse of the tri-corner area and welcomes your greetings and inquiries.

Where’s the Heat?

Granted, we are just now emerging from the other side of a week-long heat wave, but cold weather is officially here to stay folks.  I expect the heat to be turned on, which my purrents have neglected to do.

I suppose it’s because they aren’t home during the day so they aren’t worried about […]

By |2021-01-12T14:07:06-05:00September 30th, 2020|The OTIS Feed|

It’s All Fun and Games

My kid sister thinks it’s so much fun to play with my toys. Which is fine; I don’t play with them too much and sharing is caring — right?

Or purrhaps one cat’s old toys is a little humans treasure. Any-who…

When she’s actually playing with her toys I like to sniff around to see if there’s […]

By |2021-01-12T14:02:20-05:00September 23rd, 2020|The OTIS Feed|

So Long Summer

The realization that summer has come to its ultimate end has hit home for yours truly.

As with each season in our neck of the woods, these changes bring with them their own purro’s and cons.

Here are a few from my feline perspective:

Cons (because I’m a natural pessimist) : The birdies are flocking to their winter […]

By |2021-01-12T14:03:32-05:00September 16th, 2020|The OTIS Feed|

Back to School

Perhaps unsurpurrisingly, summer has flown by once again this year and in some fashion, the kiddos are gearing up to go back to school.

I’ve purrsonally been home schooled my entire life. Obviously, I don’t do well with transpurrtation of any kind let alone the public variety, and the thought of riding a ginormous yellow rig […]

By |2021-01-12T14:04:18-05:00September 9th, 2020|The OTIS Feed|

Wicker Baskets

As we are all painfully aware of by now, my mother is a bit “cat crazy”. However, what most of you furrnatics might not know is that she’s also a certified neat freak. Fur example, recently my mother proclaimed that my kid sister had “outgrown” the toy baskets in her room (is this even a […]

By |2021-01-12T14:04:55-05:00September 2nd, 2020|The OTIS Feed|

Staying Cactive

It’s been a tough transition –trying to become more cactive, but I’m doing my best. Of course, I’m still purracticing yoga, purrpoper back stretches, and running up and down the stair master, but I’ve been also playing with some of my old toys again.

Big surpurrise: my catnip mousy is still my favfurrite!

This past week I’ve […]

By |2021-01-12T14:06:07-05:00August 25th, 2020|The OTIS Feed|

Ovfurr The Hill

I would like to take a moment and thank evfurryone fur the purrthday love.

You sure do know how to make this handsome-pants feel special.

I’ve recently come to the sobering realization that I’m officially ovfurr the hill. In order to keep myself in the best shape possible, live a long, healthy life (and keep up with […]

By |2021-01-12T14:09:44-05:00August 19th, 2020|The OTIS Feed|


Raise your paw if your purrthday is in August!

There are so many August purrthdays in my family, not including my own. Both of my Grandmothers’ purrthdays are back- to-back; August 6th and 7th respectfully. I have a couple Aunts with purrthdays too, and, not to be outdone, my kid sister just turned two years old […]

By |2021-01-12T14:09:36-05:00August 12th, 2020|The OTIS Feed|


There are many purrks to summer.

Basking in the sun that shines through the window, watching my family play in the kitty pool, and the scent of the furresh outdoors on evfurryones clothes.

Ah! But of course with the good, comes the bad.

My purrents tell folks that I am the very definition of a “scaredy-cat”, and I […]

By |2021-01-12T14:09:26-05:00August 5th, 2020|The OTIS Feed|


Shortly after last week’s post, the unimaginable, unthinkable, most devastating thing happened.

As I made my daily venture to the fridge and meowed in my usual polite manner in order to obtain my favorite turkey treat, I was instead given — CHICKEN!


In all my cat years, this kind of atrocity has nevfurr happened befurr.

You see, […]

By |2021-01-12T14:09:18-05:00July 29th, 2020|The OTIS Feed|
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